Spokane Eye Clinic is offering an excellent opportunity for a BC/BE ophthalmologist with fellowship training in Glaucoma. Spokane Eye Clinic is a multi-subspecialty, physician owned (no private equity) group of 17 MDs and 11 ODs. Subspecialties represented in our group include glaucoma, retina, cornea and refractive surgery, pediatrics, and uveitis.
Our anterior segment specialists average over 750 cataracts each, per year, operating in our physician owned ambulatory surgery center. We have 5 operating rooms onsite, managed by a very efficient team of nurses and staff.
Full time physicians have a four to four and a half-days per week work week with dedicated staff. We have a dedicated on-call physician that takes most of our on-call duties, providing a very nice work-life balance.
Our compensation package includes a guaranteed salary between $275K-$350K, depending on experience, with a production bonus incentive. All recently hired physicians have earned the production bonus. The new physician will have an excellent opportunity to grow their practice with a balance of glaucoma and cataract surgery given the upcoming retirement of one of our Glaucoma Surgeons who has a very busy practice. We have a well-established track to partnership. Our partnership track is very transparent and consistent among our MD partners, which provides for a collegial environment and comfortable lifestyle.
Interested candidates, please send your CV to our CEO, Jan Simpson at jsimpson@spokaneeye.com.