Main Campus
Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center
2669 Scenic Drive
Alamogordo, NM 88310, USA
- Surveys amount of radiation given off by radioactive material shipped to the department.
- Measures the radioactive dosage prescribed for a patient with a dose calibrator, scans patient, and makes proper settings.
- Maintains supplies, restocks, and reports as needed.
- Records information on patient care and examination, maintains records on scans and test results, and files patient records.
- Properly prepares and labels radiopharmaceuticals.
- Always wears film badge above the collar, turns in film badges monthly for evaluation and follows up on results, and always wears film badge ring when on duty.
- Surveys Hot Lab and scan room for contamination daily.
- Performs all daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual, and annual surveys and QC.
- Ensures written documentation is accurate, concise, and legible.
- Performs daily checks on the emergency drug box in the Nuclear Medicine department.
- Coordinates scheduling of patient exams, orders isotopes, pharmaceuticals, and other supplies as needed.
Required: Associates or better in Nuclear Medicine Technology.