Job Description and Expectations – (General Manager)
Reports To: Sales Director
Target Responsibilities:
- Manage the day-to-day operations of business.
- Responsibilities include the following: interviewing, hiring and training employees; planning, assigning, and directing work; appraising performance; rewarding and disciplining employees; addressing complaints and resolving problems.
- Development of yearly business plan with principals/owners.
- Work to achieve maximum profitability and performance in each department.
- Develop, train, and maintain a high performing staff of employees and department managers to ensure continuous growth of the business.
- Clearly establish the goals and expectations of each department manager.
Daily Duties and Responsibilities:
- Begin each workday with a positive attitude by encouraging each manager and employee to meet his/her daily and weekly goals.
- Develop a sense of “team” in the dealership and across all departments.
- Set a positive tone and energy for each employee and all customers.
- Discuss the previous day’s activities with each department manager.
- Outline current day activities and goals for each manager.
- Meet with customers, when necessary, for sales or service.
- Coordinate department activities, such as retail operations, rentals, and sales and service maintenance to increase operational efficiency and economy.
Weekly Duties and Responsibilities:
- Friday meeting with managers to discuss current week’s activities; review profitability and income statements; make necessary recommendations for improvement.
- Review inventory levels of whole goods and parts with department managers. Make necessary recommendations to ensure profitability.
- Meet with principals/owners to discuss weekly profitability.
- Set employee schedules for opening and closing of the store.
Monthly Duties and Responsibilities:
- Review each department manager’s performance and make recommendations.
- Meet with each department manager to evaluate current month activity to goals established.
- Make recommendations for improvements, and set timelines for measurements.
- Review goals and objectives for upcoming month.
Quarterly Duties and Responsibilities:
- Review each department manager’s performance and make recommendations.
- Meet with principals/owners and department managers to discuss quarterly results and overall company performance and strategy.
- Meet with accountant to discuss the quarterly statements.
Annual Duties and Responsibilities:
- Evaluate product lines and vendors for profitability.
- Develop department strategies with managers for upcoming year.
- Review each manager’s performance and compensation, and make recommendations and changes.
- Outline strategy and recommendations for principals/owners.
I _________________________________________ understand these are the minimum requirements to continue my employment.
Printed Name Other duties may be assigned as needed, and this job description does not limit those other duties.
Employee Signature